Friday, November 19, 2010

What Do Swollen Ankles Indicate

Event: Tour of Britain of Vintage Vehicles.

existence for over 30 years by a handful of old car enthusiasts, this event gives fans of " ; oldies "to share their passion while discovering Britain around a track that changes from year to year.

present are various vehicles: cars represent the majority of these, but one can also see the two wheels (motorcycle old Solex Cycling), military vehicles, trucks, etc.. which allows anyone to navigate and all these people are meeting at the start and of arrival to benefit up to visitors. The 'tourist rally "is marked by many steps, and generally there is a crowd on the roadside to see Brittany get that endless stream of cars just as interesting as each other. It is part of the atmosphere of the Tour of Britain, the atmosphere also characterized by good-natured spirit that revolves around that passion that crews are always ready to share. In sum, a genuine return to the past with people who often play the game to don period costumes to match their car ... So it is not uncommon to see real gentleman drivers "three-piece suit in a Jaguar E-type, contrasting with the look" hippie "the occupants of a 2CV!

In recent years, the event took such an extent that the refusals are hundreds ... To give an idea, this year 2010 there were 1300 participants, 400 refused when last year we only had "only" 800 cars. Now, to address the increased number of older vehicles, the Tour of Britain takes place in two different loops that join on arrival.
If we were to summarize this event in a few words, who would probably most often are: Eclecticism, quality and good atmosphere!

Rendezvous 10, 11, 12 and 13 June 2011 for the 31st Tour of Britain which starts vehicle Veterans of Trinidad and sur-Mer Mont-Saint-Michel, with a convergence in Nantes and arrived at Ancenis. Meanwhile place a few photos from previous years:

Leaving from Brest in 2009

From Châteaulin in 2010

For more photos, see the various galleries members of the BCS.;)



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